just played at the do lectures in Cardigan – what a wicked place… stayed in a nomad tent with reindeer skins and had remarkable food – i want to live in [...]
I am so excited to share with you some photos of my recent meeting with Dame Vera Lynn in Piccadilly last week 25th August 2009. I wanted to meet her as [...]
There are only a handful of people left who can say they saw World War II start. Few survive to tell the tale of the German cruiser, Schleswig-Holstein, [...]
A commemorative service is to be held at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral to mark the 70th anniversary of the evacuation of British citizens in World War II. [...]
Seventy years after start of second wold war, memorial and book commemorates 500,000 Poles who fought under UK
Excited and ecstatic, I have had the opportunity to visit this fascinating and vibrant city at the height of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in mid August [...]
Kazimierz Piechowski’s remarkable escape story from Auschwitz, June 20th 1942. I recently visited Kazimierz and I am very proud to meet such a remarkable [...]
2009 marks an exciting year for the British music industry – at least in terms of there being so many breakthrough female artists this year nominated for [...]
thankyou so much to all of you who came to the debut screening of my ‘Berliner Ring ‘ video’s private screening at Yuliana’s in Islington. It was an [...]
my Grandma has been making shortcrust pastry for most of the last 86 years ever since she was ten and learnt it from her mother – although she finds it [...]