🎶❤️ Katy Carr’s February 2025 Concert Newsletter: Celebrating Polish Heritage and Community 🇵🇱✨
Welcome to the Katy Carr Global Family “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs’ ; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.” – Maya Angelou

❤️Hello lovely friend,

😊As we step into the new year, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. Your support and enthusiasm make everything we do possible and special. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of this incredible community. Your support means the world to me! 🌟
Welcome to the Katy Carr Global Family! I am beyond grateful to have each one of you in my life. Your support, love, and involvement in my music create a bond that transcends boundaries. You are my sisters and brothers, and I cherish every moment we share together. Let’s continue to spread joy, understanding, and love through our collective journey. 🌟💖

And welcome to all our new friends! I’m absolutely thrilled to have you join our amazing community. It’s wonderful to see our ‘Katy Carr ‘family growing, and I can’t wait to share this journey with you!

🎶 Concert news ❤️

Upcoming Concert in Manchester Saturday 8th Feb 2025 🎶

I’m excited to announce a special Katy Carr Concert event to commemorate the 85th Anniversary of the Deportation of Poles to Siberia on 8th February 2025 at the Polish Church of Divine Mercy in Manchester. I will be tailoring a special repertoire of songs dedicated to the Siberian survivors, to honour their resilience and bravery during these challenging times.We have a fantastic event planned! 

Details:Date: 8th February 2025

Venue: The Polish Church 194-196 Lloyd St N, Manchester M14 4QBDoors Open: 16:30

Event Time: 17:00 – 19:30 (prior to the mass at 19:30)


The evening will commence with a meet and greet, followed by an introduction by Eva Szegidewicz and an address from the Consul General of the Republic of Poland. Throughout the event, musical performances by Katy Carr will be interspersed with presentations by guest speakers Frank Pleszak, Alexander Smaga and George Marczak. The programme will conclude with a period of community interaction and acknowledgment.

We are honoured to welcome our esteemed guest speakers:

❤️Eva Szegidewicz, is the Founder and Manager of the Polish Centre “Wilno” Manchester, and former Director of Kresy Siberia UK and Kresy Family UK. A passionate advocate for Polish heritage, she is the daughter of Polish Siberian survivors. Her mother was deported to Siberia at 16, and her grandfather fought in the Polish II Corps at the Battle of Monte Cassino 1944. Eva has been instrumental in preserving and sharing the stories of Polish WWII veterans and their families.

❤️Frank Plezek, an accomplished author and historian specialising in Polish history and aviation, whose work has significantly contributed to the understanding of Poland’s rich historical tapestry. He is the son of a Siberian survivor and author of Two Years in a Gulag: The True Wartime Story of a Polish Peasant Exiled to Siberia, inspired by his father which details the harrowing experiences of a Polish peasant during WWII.

❤️Alexander Smaga, a RIBA architect esteemed for his innovative designs and significant contributions to memorial architecture, including his Polish Air Force Memorial for D-Day in Normandy, will be delivering a presentation. His discourse will honour the memory of the Polish military and their harrowing experiences of deportation to Siberia, who later emerged as the third-largest Allied coalition force after the USA and UK at the conclusion of World War II.

❤️George Marczak, a dedicated champion of Polish heritage and history. As the son of Polish Siberian survivors, he has played a pivotal role in preserving and sharing the poignant stories of Polish WWII veterans and their families. His unwavering commitment and passion have been instrumental in keeping the rich legacy of Poland alive, ensuring that the sacrifices and experiences of his parents and their generation are honoured and remembered for future generations. 

Additionally, I’m delighted to be collaborating with the Polish Saturday School in Manchester for a special workshop in cooperation with Director of the PSS in Manchester Danuta Antonik:

❤️Workshop with Katy Carr – Śpiewamy Historię (We Sing Our History) – 85th Anniversary of Poles Transported to Siberia edition – Manchester

Date: 8th February 2025 9am-1pm – for Polish students only this is an invite only event. Venue: Polska Szkoła Przedmiotów Ojczystych im. św. Stanisława Kostki – St Paul’s High School, Firbank Rd, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 2YS

The aim of the workshops is to encourage British-Polish friendship and integration, celebrate intergenerational friendships, and create a platform for greater understanding across cultural and community lines. Considering that Polish is the second most common main language in England and Wales, we’re excited to celebrate our cultural and heritage connections. Through song learning and discussion, students will have the chance to express their cultural ties in a supportive and safe environment.

We are honouring the survivors and their families and look forward to welcoming the entire community to this important event.

A big thank you to the Polish Church and Father Karol for adding this event to his previous Polish Church newsletter.

❤️ A Big Thank you to All Who Helped Organise My Previous Events ✨

The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Belfast: A heartfelt thank you to the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Belfast, Mirosław Sycz, for the lovely letter of recommendation post-concert, where he said, “Thank you for your cooperation, support, understanding, professionalism and above all for promoting Polish culture in such a unique and artistic way.” 

❤️ The Polish Saturday School in Belfast: I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Beata Dąbrowska, Director of the Polish Saturday School in Belfast, for all her invaluable help and support. Your dedication and hard work have greatly contributed to the success of our events. Belfast has such an amazing Polish community, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of it. Thank you once again for everything you do.

Katy’s Polish Saturday School in Belfast My Polish family I LOVE YOU KOCHAM WAS !!!!

❤️ Nasza Gazeta in Ireland: A big thank you to Nasza Gazeta in Ireland for the article in nr 68, 29/11/2024 about my concert in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for Polish Independence Day on 11th November 2024. 

❤️ Gabriel Moreno’s Poetry Mondays: I had the pleasure of singing two of the best-loved poems from William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience: The Tiger and The Lamb. These poems were perfect for the evening of resistance, highlighting the imbalance between the aggression of the tiger and the innocence of the lamb. A big thank you to the Blake Society for commissioning me to set all the Songs of Innocence and Experience to music. I can’t wait for you to hear my work at this year’s Rainham Poetry Festival in April!

Katy Carr performs William Blake at Poetry Mondays, Kings Cross.

❤️Mediaeval Baebes Solstice Celebration: Supporting the Mediaeval Baebes at The Round Chapel, Hackney, for their London Solstice Celebration on 21st December 2024 was an absolute joy. A big thank you to Katharine Blake, Founder of the Mediaeval Baebes for your care, belief and support of my music and for inviting me to perform. Katharine is a big musical inspiration of mine and one of my favourite GB artists. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a magical evening! During the event, I performed my folky songs from my first three albums Screwing Lies, Passion Play and Coquette

🎶 The Reddle Woman, on my album Passion Play was inspired by a remarkable character. This song honours her legacy and the rich heritage of Dorset, capturing the essence of her life, her journey through the countryside, and the respect she garnered from those around her. I look forward to perfroming these songs more in the coming year.

Katy Carr supports The Mediaeval Baebes
Katy Carr’s song The Reddle Woman
(from her album Passion Play 2003)

Below Katy Carr pictured Katharine Blake and The Mediaeval Baebes. Thank you to Kim Shankar for the photos

Katy Carr supporting the Mediaeval Baebes
at the Hackney Round Chapel 21st Dec Solstice 2024

❤️ British Scout Gathering in Whitstable: A huge thank you to the 3rd Whitstable Scout Group for inviting me to talk about the history of Polish scouting. The event was deeply moving, with many shedding tears for the brave Polish scouts who fought for freedom during WWII, the Warsaw Uprising, and other campaigns. I showed pictures of notable scouts like Cavalry Officer Witold Pilecki, who reported on Auschwitz’s atrocities from inside, and shared scout memorials from Warsaw and across Poland.

The British scouts and audience, amazed by the Polish scouts’ fight for freedom, were also treated to a collection of Polish scout songs, including Krajka, with lyrics translated into English by Christina Malkowska.

Here’s a snippet:

In a chorus of bells the day bursts into flower, Its (my?) eyelashes still wet with dew, In the mist you hear the first cart wheels clatter, As the sun starts out on its journey…On a dusty road, a field road, Pretty as a girl’s colourful krajka The sun is rising above the barn, And we shall dance the waltz…For I’ve got my guitar, Worn-out trousers, old shoes, The winds carry me on – For I have my guitar, Worn-out trousers, old shoes, And the winds carry me on, Who knows where.Wet spruce boughs adorn the violins The water pump handle is leaning against the bucket, O, it will carry much water yet, Many people will still drink from it.

Christina Malkowska, granddaughter of Andrzej Malkowski, the founder of Polish scouting, offered her advice and wished the British scouts in Whitstable special message of solidarity,

“Beautifully prepared, Katy! Thank you for your work honouring the Movement. Blessings to you and yours, and love to all the Guides and Scouts you meet tonight in the great worldwide family that is our Home. Greetings in Guiding! CZUWAJ!”

Her grandmother, Olga Malkowska, coined the saying “CzuWaj” (be prepared). Christina’s family has a wonderful heritage to be proud of. Czuwaj! Czuwaj! Czuwaj!

❤️Below I was honoured to be awarded a scout scarf in their air scout colours of blue and red, and made an honorary air scout. Their Air Scout group is named after the famous pilot Amy Johnson CBE (born 1 July 1903 – disappeared 5 January 1941) who was a pioneering English pilot, and the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia.

❤️ Daily Antidote of Song: I had the pleasure of performing with Rik Palieri on 8th December 2024, singing Polish Carols and wintery songs. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made it a heartwarming experience.

Watch the show here on youtube Daily Antidote | Katy Carr & Rik Palieri “Cicha Noc” & “Lulajze Jezuniu” – 12/8/24 🙂

Watch here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhm80v6yN50

❤️ The Franciscan Church in Krakow: A big thank you to the Franciscan Brothers in Krakow who invited me to perform Christmas carols just before Christmas at the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi- Bazylika Franciszkanów św. Franciszka z Asyżu, Kraków in front of the Papal Window, a very sacred place in Poland of St John Paul II. What a wonderful experience singing at the Franciscan Church in Krakow to celebrate Christmas Day! 🎄

✨ The atmosphere was magical, and it was an honour to share this special moment with everyone. I really love to sing in both English and Polish. Here I’m singing Silent Night (Cicha noc). We had been singing Christmas carols for 48 hours all over the Christmas period and Christmas Eve. I love singng at Christmas tim in Poland 🇵🇱 so much!

Watch reel here : https://www.facebook.com/reel/2327457130955385

#ChristmasDay #FranciscanChurch #Krakow #MagicalMoment #EnglishAndPolish #SilentNight #CichaNoc #ChristmasCarols #48Hours #ChristmasSpirit #ILovePoland #WishYouWereHere #JoyousChristmas #Blessed

❤️ The William Blake Congregation : A big thank you to the William Blake congregation for inviting me to perform at their Despair Day on 20th January 2025 at the William Blake House, Marshall Street, W1.

It was an honour to share William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience that I am setting to music in such a meaningful setting. I’m delighted to be commissioned to create a double album of this work, which will be released in 2027.

❤️ The Betsey Trotwood: A big thank you to The Betsey Trotwood, 56 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3BL for inviting me to perform at a special night hosted by Alan Tyler on 22nd December.

It was a joy to share a selection of Polish and English Christmas carols with everyone.

✨✨WE REMEMBER The 80th Anniversary of the Release of Auschwitz Prisoners ✨✨

On 27th January 2025, we mark the 80th Anniversary of the release of Auschwitz survivors. This day holds profound significance as we honour and remember all those who endured unimaginable suffering.

My Polish grandfather, Józef Goryl, escaped from Auschwitz Prisoner no 22661 in early 1942, which is why I am here today.As we remember his story, let us also reflect on the millions of lives affected by the Holocaust.

It’s a time to educate, to remember, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. #RIPMyPolishGrandfather #WeRemember #NEVERFORGET #HolocaustRemembrance #AuschwitzSurvivor #LegacyOfBravery #HolocaustMemorial #AUSCHWITZ #AUSCHWITZMEMORIAL #NeverAgain

\(NB I have not put ‘Liberation of Auschwitz’ as there was no battle for Auschwitz so it can not be called a ‘Liberation’ and Poland faced 50 years of Russian Totalitarian Far Left brutal aggression during and post WWII 1939-1989 where we saw many of our Polish heroes and heroines murdered in vast numbers by the Russian state). #LestWeForget #StopRewritingHistory #RussiaIsATerroristState

❤️ Looking Forward to 2025!

✨As we step into this New Year, I’m excited to share new projects and performances with you all. Let’s continue to cherish our history, create beautiful memories, and support each other in this journey.Thank you for your love and support, and keep in touch! I love to hear from you! 😊

Hashtags: #KatyCarr #Music #Concert #PolishHeritage #Scouting #HistoricalEvents #Poland #FranciscanChurch #WilliamBlake #AuschwitzRemembrance #NeverForget #HolocaustSurvivor #CommunitySupport #JoyousChristmas #BlessedChristmas #ILovePoland

 ❤️ STAY SAFE AND STRONG ❤️💕Thank you for your continuing support of my music💕

❤️ KATY CARR’s previous newsletters  🙂 https://katycarr.com/category/newsletters/

Keep in touch ! Lots of love to you and your family i pozdrawam serdecznie

✸✸✸✸✸ Katy Carr and the Aviators ✸✸✸✸✸


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