The audience reaction with regards the Escapologist events was on the whole intensely emotional. This was primarily through the subject matter and the layout of out events. We started with the screening of our film Kazik and the Kommander’s Car which shows the background behind going to give Kazimierz Piechowski, Auschwitz Escapee my song ‘Kommander’s Car.’ Audience reaction reaction was one of great grief when presented with the fact that Kazik was put into Auschwitz for being a boy scout. Many people remarked how they thought Auschwitz was ‘only for jews,’ and even Polish people in the audience often remarked how,’ashamed’ they felt for not knowing of the 150000 Polish Intelligentsia that were murdered in this concentration camp alone. I was also inundated with responses with regards people’s own personal histories especially if some people’s roots had been of Polish origin. Here are some quotes that I gathered in my comments book from each of the gigs. The Quotes really say it all…
Polish Embassy, London 29th March 2011- with Kazik present
This was the fist concert for a private gathering. I was amazed at how affectionate everyone was towards both Kazik and myself. I realised that Kazik was a force of such inspiration to everyone which was very moving. in the question and answer session a Jewish Rabbi asked Kazik ‘What do you really think about Katy’s song. Can there really be art after Auschwitz?’ and Kazik quickly replied ‘No one not even the prisoners themselves can truly understand what happened in Auschwitz. All I know is that we should never forget these events in history and Katy’s song and the creative work that she is doing is ensuring that even if people stop and listen to her song and find out the background story maybe they themselves can open the door to history and delve a little deeper into a history that hould never be forgotten.’
Audience quotes
‘Kazik’s story made me cry. I couldn’t believe the cruelty inflicted on him for being a scout, a boy scout.’
‘Thank you Katy for sharing your music with us this evening. We could tell Kazik was extremely moved. He is right. You are his voice.’
‘It takes someone like you Katy to translate our Polish history into a way people from the outside can understand. I commend your artistic efforts.’
Baden Powell House, London 31st March 2011 – with Kazik present –
here i connected the Scout communities of London , British and Polish scouts. Here are some of the audience reactions —
‘I came from Canada to meet Kazik today. This evening meant so much to me as my father had been a Polish boy scout in WW2 and he had been shot by the Germans.’
‘I changed my travel plans to be here this evening. It was a remarkable evening and one I remember for the rest of my life.’
‘Katy please come and sing with the Polish Scouts at our Jamboree! We LOVE YOU!’
‘Thankyou for a wonderful evening. i will be sharing your film and Kazik’s story with my scout group in Costa Rica.’
North Bradley Peace Memorial Hall, Trowbridge 2nd April 2011 –
here i performed to 90% of the audience who were elderly disabled people who were brought to the concert with their carers pushing wheelchairs. I was amazed at how all this audience fit into the hall and how neat it all looked in very tidy rows and with a carer to each elderly lady and gentleman. This was one of my favourite concerts as these people rarely left their elderly people’s homes and coming to my concert had been an event they had been waiting for and looking forward to.
‘Marvelous concert. An honour to meet someone so talented and so young. You really care about us Katy’
‘A very enjoyable afternoon. A multitalented concert and film, full of interest.’
‘wonderful performance. Great singing great feelings of the war from one so young – very inspiring.’
‘you have a beautiful voice. I went to Capri and saw Gracie Fields in 1973.’
Hannington Village Hall Northants 7th May 2011
‘It’s so important to remember: and to value our past.’
‘What an interesting evening and such an inspiring group. Thankyou girls!’
‘Excellent evening all round. good music and very interesting story. Would definitely come to see you again.’
Rich Mix, London
‘I remember my dad sang lili Marlene – it was on the forces radio and it nearly became a theme song for the 8th Army my dad was a Polish soldier in the 8th Army in North Africa and italy. I found it very touching thanks for that.’
Astor Theatre, Deal 19th May 2011
‘After having gone to Auschwitz a few years back tonight was a stonking reminder of all the horror, the sheer horror…. inspiring , enlightening – thankyou!!!!’
‘Really moved by the documentary and the music. I had a chat with you after the gig and would love to hear from you again as my Grandfather was Polish. Thanks again! and please send a link to the film.’
‘I absolutely loved your performance. The Doco was immensely moving and i actually shed a tear [really!] the song seemed to encapsulate the experience of escaping and the piano and ukulele sounded tops!’
Dugdale centre 3rd Jun 2012
‘Katy I would like to thank you for this amazing film. I was crying all through it. Watching it I was feeling so proud that I am Polish and this is a part of my history which we shouldn’t forget ever. Thankyou for Kazik for giving the inspiration for all of us.’