Dear Friend 🙂
I am very excited to announce that I will be performing with a full orchestra tonight 28th Feb 2016 in cooperation with PASSIONART and with my patron, The Institute of National Remembrance in Poland – Instytut Pamięci Narodowej with full orchestra – address : Auditorium Maximum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Jagiellonian University), 35 Krupnicza Kraków Śródmieście, Poland : Link to gig is here 🙂
This concert is dedicated to those Polish Freedom fighters of WWII and post war who fought for an Independent Poland alondside the Allied millitary forces but were later incarcerated and frequently murdered by the Communist government which was elected in Moscow and started operation in Poland post WWII. Poland, Britain’s only Ally during the first two years of the war and her largest Allied force after USA , Poland at the end of the war was the only Allied nation to fall behind the Iron Curtain in the 1940s. We remember through song and commemoration those people who had no voice and who so very bravely fought for Our Freedom and Yours and their huge contribution to World Peace which is still to be documented in volume in Western history books. Rest In Peace.
Extra info about concert :
Katy Carr performs on 28 February at the Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University during the 2nd Festival “To the Free and Independent”. We’re guaranteed to hear Kommander’s Car dedicated to Kazimierz Piechowski who escaped from Auschwitz in a feat of courage and gallantry, and Wojtek, telling the story of the Syrian brown bear who served as corporal in the Polish II Corps. (Artur Jackowski, “Karnet” magazine) Ambassador of Polish History.
Kocha nasz kraj, choć urodziła się i wychowała w Anglii. Jej matka jest Polką, zaś ojciec pół Szkotem, pół Anglikiem. Rodzice poznali się we Włocławku, gdy budowano rafinerię. Katy Carr, jak sama przyznaje, jest zakręcona na punkcie II wojny światowej. Jej głos doceniono w 2011 roku, kiedy była nominowana do London Music Award, w tej samej kategorii co Kate Bush, do której Carr jest na Wyspach porównywana. UWAGA! Bezpłatne wejściówki na koncert artystki dostępne będą od 23 lutego w kasach Filharmonii Krakowskiej!
Katy Carr will be performing a very special concert on National TV in Poland on March 1st 2016 with Sebastian Karpiel-Bułecka (Zakopower), Organek, Kasia Kowalska, Katy Carr i Maleo Reggae Rockers. Polish info below:
Rotunda przypomni o święcie Żołnierzy Wyklętych. W centrum Warszawy zawisł wielki baner
Dla PKO Banku Polskiego zaangażowanie w upamiętnienie Żołnierzy Wyklętych jest bardzo naturalne. Po pierwsze dlatego, że jesteśmy bankiem polskim i wszystkie tematy związane z naszą historią, z naszymi dziejami są bardzo ważne. Po drugie temat taki jak Żołnierze Wyklęci, który tak mocno splata się z naszą historią przez lata był zapomniany
This months media coverage for Katy Carr’s Polonia (Nov 2015) includes…
Polonia was in Forbes – ‘It’s also not every day one meets a ‘tipped’ Mercury Music Prize nominee, with award-winning musician Katy Carr who this November released her latest album ‘Polonia’, which has in the past month been rated as one of the top three albums by MOJO magazine in their ‘MOJO Rising’ section.’
Katy Carr interview in wP link here :
Watch Katy Carr on TV Poland 3
Watch Katy on TV Opole
Katy Carr in Dziennik Polski link to full interview-
Katy Carr was featured in Do Rzesczy Magazine : issie – 22-28 Feb 2015 – you can still buy it today! 😉
Katy Carr talks with renowned Polish DJ Marek Niedźwiecki about her music and latest album Polonia – Katy performs Wojtek live and her recent videos Mala little Flower, Polonia and Kommander’s Car are played as well as her favourite songs from Tori Amos, Madness and Bob Marley … (Interview in Polish) Watch here :
Thank yous also to the lovely Emily Ovenden and all at Colindale Folk Club for a fab concert 🙂
Nick Marsh RIP – our wonderful musician friend who passed away last year – big thank you to all who attended the event below 🙂 )))
Singing for Nick Marsh with the wonderful Katharine Blake (Mediaeval Baebes).
Singing for my wonderful friends at Kresy Family at the POSK in Hammersmith 🙂 Friend
s and families of those 2 million Polish people who were kidnapped from their homes from 1940 onwards and sent as forced slave labour in Stalin’s 3000 plus Gulag camp system to Siberia and across the USSR. We rememberall those people, not just of Polish nationality, who perished in the abject cruelty of Stalin’s cruel system that enslaved innocent people.
Below I am talking to my favourite ladies on the planet – i have turned to Pani Danuta Gradosielska – who served wth the Polish II Corps at the Battle of Monte Cassino 1944 in the all female 300 strong 316 Transport Company. 🙂 more info here : gradosielska
Thanks again for all your support of my music and keep in touch and take care
Much love to you all – Katy i Pozdrawiam serdecznie xxxx 🙂
Katy Carr’s music Quotes :